The dLab advances understanding of the role of design thinking in schools, universities, and agencies by developing new knowledge on its application and teaching others how to apply it in their own world.
Nash, J.B. (2019). Design Thinking in Schools: A Leader’s Guide to Collaborating for Improvement. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press
Nash, J.B. & Allen, R. (2022). Perspectives of Teachers About Design Thinking as a Lever for Change in a School. In K. Sanzo & J. Scribner (Eds.), Design Thinking: Research, Innovation, and Implementation. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press
Rous, B., & Nash, J. B. (2020). Visual Communication as Knowledge Management in Design Thinking. In D. O’Hair & M. J. O’Hair (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Communication Research. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Hargrove, R. (2020). Muse Design Studio: Advancing creative problem solving as a platform for interdisciplinary education: Interdisciplinarity and learning design. Springer International Publishing. Chapter 18, pgs. 225-239.
Hargrove, R. (2020). Breaking Bad: The role of landscape architecture in shpaing the future of higher education. A new focus for elarning: Eudcaitonal techinolgy beyond content. Springer International Publishing. Chapter 23, pgs. 273-286
Nash J.B. (2018) Leading Information Technology via Design Thinking. In: Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai KW. (eds) Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham
Sterrett, W.; Hill-Black, S.; Nash, J.B. (2020). Imagination into action: A school-university collaboration with a design thinking imperative. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 24(9):1-14.
Rojas, J., Nash, J.B., Rous, B.S. (2017) Discovering childcare providers’ coaching needs with design thinking techniques. Early Child Development and Care 189(4): 613-624.
Adams, C.; Nash, J.B. (2016). Exploring design thinking practices in evaluation. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation. 12(26).
Nash, J.B. (2011, 4-6 July). Reform By Design: Using Design Thinking to Create Technology Driven Change in Schools. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
Nash, J.B. (September 2022). Design thinking in education: Unlocking student potential and increasing agency. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (November 2021). The student agency project. Invited presentation to the What Schools Could Be Academy.
Nash, J.B. (September 2021). Design thinking and student empowerment: A framework for enhancing student agency. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (September 2020). Design thinking and student agency: Codesigning schools together. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (January 2021). 40+ ways to get to know your students. Leadership EdCamp Kentucky. Kentucky Department of Education.
Nash, J.B. (September 2019). Empowering students through design thinking: Strategies for increasing agency. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (February 2019). Design models. Design workshop for pilot models for the Early Childhood Project Advisory Group; Expanding High Quality Home-Based Care in Kentucky. Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (September 2018). Design thinking, student agency, and leadership. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (2017, September). Leveraging design thinking for student agency. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY.
Rojas, J. P., Nash, J. B., Rous, B. S. (October, 2016). Design thinking and coaching: Empathetic interviewing in developmental relationships. Paper presented at the Mentoring Institute, Albuquerque, NM.
Nash, J.B. (2016, July). How student agency is enhanced through design thinking. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B., & Rous, B. (May, 2016). Radical Collaborations: When children and providers co-create programs. Presentation at National Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC.
Rous, B., Nash, J.B., Steed, E., & Smith, B. (October, 2015). Young children as program co-designers: Using design thinking to tackle wicked problems. Panel Presentation at International Division for Early Childhood Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Nash, J.B. (2015, July). Great schools surprise and delight: Design thinking and student agency. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (2014, September). Unlocking the wisdom of the crowd. Invited address at the Morgridge Family Foundation Principals Digital Leadership event, Rethink. Redesign. LEAD. Denver, CO.
Nash, J.B. (2014, July). Great schools surprise and delight. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (2014, October). How to include students in the design of your 1:1 initiative. Invited presentation at the Kentucky Society for Technology in Education Conference on Digital Transformation, Lexington, KY
Nash, J.B. (2014, September). When human centered design changes the urban school day: What are the critical incidents? Presentation at the Southeast College Art Conference, Sarasota, FL
Nash, J.B. (2013, October). How great schools use design thinking to increase student agency. Presentation at the 2013 CELL conference, Indiana’s Future: Turning Challenges into Opportunities, Indianapolis, IN.
Nash, J.B. (2013, July). Great schools surprise and delight. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (2013, August). An introduction to design thinking. Workshop at the School for the Creative and Performing Arts, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (2013, April). How to Include Students as Co-Designers in your 1:1 Program. Iowa 1:1 Institute, Des Moines, IA.
Nash, J.B. (2012, November). School technology and design thinking. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO.
Nash, J.B. (2012, November). Brains breaking bad: Neuroscience, leadership and reforms that suck. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO.
Nash, J.B. (2012, October). The civil war in our brains. Invited lecture at TEDx Indianapolis. Indianapolis, IN.
Nash, J.B. (2012, April). How to Include Students as Co-Designers in your 1:1 Program. Iowa 1:1 Institute, Des Moines, IA.
Nash, J.B. (2012, July). Great schools surprise and delight. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Georgetown, KY.
Nash, J.B. (2011, July). Great schools surprise and delight. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky College of Education Next Generation Leadership Academy, Georgetown, KY
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B. (April 27, 2019). Using design thinking to support app development. Invited presentation for Swift Accelerator Program, Singapore.
Nash, J.B., & Rous, B. (April 26, 2019). Using Design Thinking to Advance 1 to 1 Learning Environments. Invited presentation for the Singapore Ministry of Education One to Many Initiative. Apple, Inc., Singapore.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B. (April 23, 2019), Using design thinking to support innovation in schools. Invited presentation for the International Schools Twilight Event. Apple, Inc., Singapore.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B. (April 22-23, 2019). Using visualization to advance action research for school teams. Invited workshop for the International Schools Deep Dive. Apple, Inc., Singapore.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B., (September, 2018). Reverse Brainstorming to Stoke School Improvement. Workshop at 3E, International Schools of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Nash, J.B., (September, 2018). Applying Design Thinking to Advance Student Voice. Workshop at 3E, International Schools of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Hains, B. J., Hains, K. D., Rous, B., Nash, J.B., Kahl, D. W., (June, 2018). Developing community through innovation, leadership & human centered design. Presentation at the International Association for Community Development Annual Conference, Maynooth, Ireland.
Nash, J.B. (2018, May). Using empathy and observation to see more deeply into the lives of children and families. Presentation at the Imagine More conference, Canberra, Australia.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B.S. (2017, November). Disrupting Traditional Approaches to Inclusion Through Design Thinking. Invited keynote address to the annual ECIA-NSW Inclusion Symposium, Sydney, Australia
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B.S. (2017, November). Disrupting Traditional Approaches to Inclusion Through Design Thinking. Invited keynote address to the annual ECIA-NSW Inclusion Symposium, Sydney, Australia
Rous, B., & Nash, J.B. (June, 2016). Disrupting traditional paradigms of inclusion through design thinking. Nash, J. Reimagining the classroom experience by walking in the shoes of the child. Rous, B. Reimagining the coaching experience by walking in the shoes of the provider. Presentation at the International Society on Early Intervention Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.
Nash J.B. (2014, December). Future-Proofing Education: How We Can Design the Schools We Want. Invited keynote address to the 7th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference, Hong Kong.
Nash, J.B., & Rhodes, J.A. (2013, January). Design Thinking in the Middle. Pre-conference workshop at the European League of Middle-Level Education Annual Conference, Rome, Italy.
Nash, J.B., & Rhodes, J.A. (2012, January). If You’re Hearing Voices That’s a Good Thing. European League of Middle-Level Education Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Nash, J.B. (2011, June). How Design Thinking Can Create Technology Driven Change in Schools. International Symposium on Educational Reform, Shanghai, China.
Nash, J.B., & McLeod, S. (2011, January). How teachers and school leaders can enhance program creativity and quality through ‘design thinking.’ European League of Middle-Level Education Annual Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nash, J.B. & Johnston, J. (April 2023). How might we use design thinking to humanize online education? Presentation at the Online Learning Consortium Innovate 2023 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN
Hargrove, R. (February, 2023). Ideation concept development, and problem solving through digital tools [Video]. YouTube.
Nash, J.B. (January 2023). Becoming a human centered student ambassador. Invited presentation at the University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics Ambassador Spring Retreat, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B. (January 2023). Winning at action research: How teachers and leaders can visualize change. Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Nash, J.B. & Rous, B. (March 2022). Co-designing an early childhood policy program curriculum. Design thinking workshop for the Anita Zucker Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Nash, J.B. (February 2021). Team science and the design thinking advantage. Presentation to the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Workforce Development Core.
Nash, J.B. (October 2019). Being student centered in residence life: The opportunity in design thinking. Invited keynote presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Association of Housing Officers, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J. B. (June 2019). Applying design thinking in higher education. Academic Leadership Academy. Center for the Study of Higher Education. Penn State University. State College, PA.
Nash, J.B. (April 2018). Enhancing library patrons’ experiences through design thinking. Invited keynote address to the annual meeting of the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Libraries Association, Carrollton, KY.
Nash, J. B. (June 2018). Applying design thinking in higher education. Academic Leadership Academy. Center for the Study of Higher Education. Penn State University, State College, PA.
Nash, J.B. (August 2017). Design thinking: Creating new solutions to challenges in academia. Annual campus-wide Meet, Greet and Grab an Idea (MGGI) Event. Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
Nash, J. B. (June 2017). Applying design thinking in higher education. Academic Leadership Academy. Center for the Study of Higher Education, Penn State University. State College, PA.
Nash, J. B. (June 2016). Applying design thinking in higher education. Academic Leadership Academy. Center for the Study of Higher Education. Penn State University, State College, PA.
Nash, J.B. (August 2014). Unlocking creative solutions through human centered design. Invited keynote address to the Annual Centre College Faculty Retreat, Danville, KY.
Nash, J.B. (March 2013). Design Thinking. Invited keynote address to the Kentucky College and Career Readiness Initiative Commonwealth Commitment Summit, Lexington, KY.
Nash, J.B. (December 2013). Using design thinking to redesign teacher preparation programs. University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
Nash, J.B. (November 2013). Applying design thinking to improve student services. Presentation to the University of Kentucky Gatton School of Business. NN
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